Tower 3.1.0-beta3
Clojure i18n & L10n library
Simple internationalization (i18n) and localization (L10n) library for Clojure/Script. Wraps standard Java/Script facilities when possible.
Public variables and functions:
- *locale*
- *tscope*
- all-timezone-ids
- config
- countries
- country-name
- default-tfmt-str
- dev-mode?
- dict-compile
- dict-compile*
- dict-load
- dict-load*
- dictionary->xliff
- example-tconfig
- fallback-locale
- fmt
- fmt-msg
- fmt-str
- format-currency
- format-date
- format-dt
- format-integer
- format-msg
- format-number
- format-percent
- format-str
- format-time
- get-countries
- get-langs
- get-timezones
- IFmt
- iso-countries
- iso-langs
- iso-languages
- jvm-locale
- kw-locale
- l-compare
- lang-name
- languages
- lcomparator
- load-dictionary-from-map-resource!
- locale
- lsort
- major-timezone-ids
- make-t
- merge-config!
- normalize
- oldt
- parse
- parse-currency
- parse-date
- parse-dt
- parse-integer
- parse-Locale
- parse-number
- parse-percent
- parse-time
- scoped
- set-config!
- sorted-localized-countries
- sorted-localized-languages
- sorted-timezones
- style
- t
- timezone
- timezones
- translate
- try-jvm-locale
- try-locale
- tscoped
- tz-ids-all
- tz-ids-major
- with-locale
- with-scope
- with-tscope
- xliff->dictionary