Encore 3.133.0
Released under the Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
Core utils library for Clojure/Script.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[com.taoensso/encore "3.133.0"]
Extended core library for Clojure/Script that emphasizes: * Cross-platform API * Flexibility * Performance * Backwards compatibility
Public variables and functions:
- -cond
- <*
- <=*
- >*
- >=*
- a-utf8-str
- abbreviate-ns
- abs
- after-timeout
- ajax-call
- approx==
- as-?bool
- as-?email
- as-?float
- as-?inst
- as-?int
- as-?kw
- as-?name
- as-?nat-float
- as-?nat-int
- as-?nblank
- as-?nblank-trim
- as-?nemail
- as-?nempty-str
- as-?nzero
- as-?pnum
- as-?pos-float
- as-?pos-int
- as-?qname
- as-?rnum
- as-?udt
- as-bool
- as-email
- as-float
- as-inst
- as-int
- as-kw
- as-name
- as-nat-float
- as-nat-int
- as-nblank
- as-nblank-trim
- as-nemail
- as-nempty-str
- as-nzero
- as-pnum
- as-pnum!
- as-pnum-complement
- as-pos-float
- as-pos-int
- as-qname
- as-rnum
- as-rnum!
- as-udt
- assert-min-encore-version
- assoc-nx
- assoc-some
- assoc-when
- atom?
- bench
- binding
- boolean?
- cache
- call-after-timeout
- can-meta?
- case-eval
- case-insensitive-str=
- catching
- catching-rf
- catching-xform
- chan?
- chance
- check-all
- check-some
- clamp
- clamp*
- clamp-float
- clamp-int
- comp-middleware
- compile-if
- compile-when
- cond
- cond!
- conj-some
- conj-when
- const-str=
- contains-in?
- convey-reduced
- count-words
- counter
- Counter
- declare-remote
- def*
- defalias
- defaliases
- default-timeout-impl_
- DefaultTimeoutImpl
- defn-cached
- defonce
- defstub
- deprecated
- derefable?
- dissoc-in
- distinct-elements?
- doto-cond
- editable?
- encore-version
- ensure-set
- ensure-vec
- error?
- ex-cause
- ex-data
- ex-message
- ex-root
- exp-backoff
- explode-keyword
- filter-keys
- filter-vals
- finite-num?
- float?
- fmemoize
- force-ref
- force-var
- format
- format*
- format-inst
- format-inst-fn
- format-nsecs
- format-query-string
- future*
- get*
- get-env
- get-truss-data
- get-win-loc
- get1
- have
- have!
- have!?
- have-core-async?
- have?
- ident?
- identical-kw?
- if-clj
- if-cljs
- if-let
- if-not
- if-some
- indexed?
- inst->udt
- inst?
- instance!
- int?
- interleave-all
- into!
- into-all
- into-str
- invert-map
- invert-map!
- is!
- ITimeoutFuture
- ITimeoutImpl
- keep-callsite
- keys-by
- ks-nnil?
- ks<=
- ks=
- ks>=
- lazy-seq?
- LightAtom
- LimitEntry
- LimitHits
- LimitSpec
- log
- logf
- logp
- map-entry
- map-keys
- map-vals
- mapply
- matching-error
- max*
- max-long
- memoize
- memoize-last
- merge
- merge-keywords
- merge-meta
- merge-nx
- merge-url-with-query-string
- merge-with
- min*
- min-long
- ms
- ms->secs
- msecs
- name-filter
- name-with-attrs
- nameable?
- named?
- nanoid
- nat-float?
- nat-int?
- nat-num?
- nblank-str?
- nblank?
- neg-float?
- neg-int?
- neg-num?
- nempty-str?
- nested-merge
- nested-merge-with
- new-object
- newline
- newlines
- nneg?
- nnil
- node-paths
- norm-word-breaks
- not-empty-coll
- now-dt
- now-inst
- now-nano
- now-udt
- nzero-num?
- oget
- oget-in
- or-some
- oset
- oset-in
- parse-js-int
- parse-query-params
- parse-version
- path
- perc
- pnum-complement
- pnum?
- pos-float?
- pos-int?
- pos-num?
- pow
- pr
- pr-edn
- pr-json
- Pred
- pred
- pred-fn
- preserve-reduced
- println
- prn
- pull-val!
- qb
- qualified-ident?
- qualified-keyword?
- qualified-symbol?
- queue
- queue*
- queue?
- quick-bench
- rand-bytes
- rand-id-fn
- rate-limiter
- rcompare
- re-pattern?
- read-edn
- read-json
- reassoc-some
- reduce-indexed
- reduce-interleave-all
- reduce-kvs
- reduce-multi
- reduce-n
- reduce-obj
- reduce-top
- reduce-zip
- remove-keys
- remove-vals
- rename-keys
- repeatedly-into
- reset!?
- reset-in!
- reset-in!?
- reset-val!
- reset-val!?
- revery-kv?
- revery?
- rfirst
- rfirst-kv
- rnum?
- rolling-counter
- rolling-vector
- RollingCounter
- round
- round0
- round1
- round2
- roundn
- rsome
- rsome-kv
- run!
- run-kv!
- run-kvs!
- run-obj!
- satisfies!
- satisfies?
- sayf
- sayp
- sb-append
- sb-length
- secs
- secs->ms
- select-nested-keys
- seq-kvs
- set-var-root!
- simple-ident?
- simple-keyword?
- simple-symbol?
- SimpleCacheEntry
- some=
- some?
- sortv
- str-?index
- str-builder
- str-builder?
- str-contains?
- str-ends-with?
- str-join
- str-join-once
- str-replace
- str-rf
- str-starts-with?
- stringy?
- submap?
- submaps?
- substr
- subvec
- swap-in!
- swap-val!
- Swapped
- swapped
- swapped?
- takev
- test-fixtures
- thread-local
- thread-local-proxy
- throws
- throws?
- TickedCacheEntry
- time-ms
- time-ns
- timeout-future?
- TimeoutFuture
- top
- top-into
- transient?
- try*
- udt->inst
- udt?
- unexpected-arg!
- update!
- update-in
- update-var-root!
- url-decode
- url-encode
- uuid
- uuid-str
- vec2?
- vec3?
- vinterleave-all
- vnext
- vrest
- vsplit-first
- vsplit-last
- when
- when-let
- when-not
- when-some
- with-truss-data
- without-meta
- xdistinct
- zero-num?