Tufte 2.6.3
Released under the Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
Simple performance monitoring for Clojure/Script applications.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.6.3"]
A simple, fast, monitoring profiler for Clojure/Script.
Public variables and functions:
- *min-level*
- *ns-filter*
- -elide?
- add-accumulating-handler!
- add-basic-println-handler!
- add-handler!
- capture-time!
- capture-time!*
- chance
- compile-ns-filter
- defnp
- defnp-
- fnp
- format-grouped-pstats
- format-id-abbr
- format-pstats
- handlers_
- may-profile?
- merge-pstats
- new-pdata
- p
- profile
- profiled
- profiling?
- pspy
- refer-tufte
- remove-handler!
- stats-accumulator
- with-profiling
Simple logging handler for integration with Timbre.
Public variables and functions: